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All Photos are of actual Honeymoon / Anniversary Guests at Rancho Pacifico - including the monkeys!

"Thank you for paradise on the
mountain & for sharing your lovely Costa Rican ways. I loved my visit. My dreams were intense and fiery -
not to be easily forgotten"
Sheryl Crow
Singer, Songwriter

"Tranquility, Serenity, Bliss and
Peaceful restfulness await in the lush green rainforest while feeling free from the hassles of the "real world" .....
Everyone is joyful, friendly and helpful."
Mark Victor Hansen, Co-Author
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" series

#1 Hotel for Spa & Relaxation in Central America ​​, #12 in the World  - - Trip Advisor​

See for yourself why Trip Advisor awarded us as the #1 place for Spa and Relaxation in Central America - & enjoy Award winning "World Tropical" Cuisine at the Whale's Tail Club, all for at a discounted rate .... and if you stay at least 5 nights, one of the packages is Free.

Reconnect with what matters.
Indulge.  Let go. RP is acknowledged worldwide
as one of the  very best places to do it.

At Adult-Exclusive Rancho Pacifico your Paradise Dreams come true.


For Couples, Best Friends and Moms & Daughters......

If you are looking for an unforgettable and one-of-a-kind Spa retreat with all the indulgences - and not just a vacation,  there is really only one place;  Rancho Pacifico.  Where you are guaranteed to Experience the  Magic -- Forever.

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