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"....."it's the people that ultimately distinguish the boutique hotel experience" - -

Gordon Ramsay


Our dedicated Costa Rican staff  (what we call "the RP Family - and when you visit you'll know why) has been praised throughout our 9 year history for their unmatched authenticity, warmth and hospitality.  While many area Hotels employ North Americans and Europeans**, we know that discerning guests prefer to know the local people.  Our employment standards of employing only Costa Ricans ensures that our guests enjoy the good feeling of contributing to and supporting local families and fueling the local economy. 

At Rancho Pacifico our guests regularly befriend the staff - and shed tears when they say good-bye. We promise to make you feel welcomed, secure and appreciated....con mucho gusto!​


We are grateful to all of our guests over the years that have enabled us to have a real  financial, spiritual and cultural impact on the local community .




"Trendy is good for the ego - classically well-done is good for the soul"

Anthony Bourdain



Our committment to excellent "Design" is only eclipsed by our unmatched "Hospitality"....

at Rancho Pacifico

you're truly treated like Family....

con mucho gusto!


Our young but experienced staff pledges legendary, one-of-a-kind, out-of-this-world hospitality. -

the kind you just don't get anymore.  We promise, you'll never feel like a tourist.


Oh & there's our award winning, zen-modern design too.

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